Student Clubs

The FSU-Panama Athletic Department is dedicated to providing all FSU-Panama students with the highest quality athletic program and team experience through sports participation. Students are treated with respect while experiencing growth in the areas of interacting with others, teamwork, sportsmanship, fair play, and skill development. The goal is to create a positive environment that fosters improved self-confidence and self-esteem through experiences in sports activities.

Performing Arts
Performing Arts Club provides the opportunity to our students to develop and perfect their craft; a space where they can come to experience and share the creations of their and labor which will lead to:

  • Develop and demonstrate skills in critical and analytical thinking through effective speaking, writing, and performing on topics in the fine arts;
  • Develop and demonstrate an understanding of aesthetic value;
  • Demonstrate the practical application of ethics through outreach to the community through performing arts disciplines.

Environmental Club
Environmental Club is a platform that gives the students the tools they need to take action on the environmental issues they feel passionate about, such as:

  • Understanding the consequences of human actions for the Earth and its resources;
  • Taking actions to encourage sustainable living and to avoid unsustainable practices;
  • Taking personal responsibility for living in a sustainable way.

FSU-Panama Change Club
The FSU-Panama Change Club consists of a group of students that donate their time offering a helping hand in different volunteering activities.

The FSU-Panama Change Club vision is to change not only peoples’ lives through volunteering, but to try to make Earth a better place for living. The goal is to support different organizations to start making a change: “making the change by being the change”.

FSU-Panama Change club objectives are:

  • Work toward improving different aspects of the society in which we live in by taking small but significant actions in the community.
  • Provide life learning experiences to the FSU-Panama Change Club members.
  • To develop interpersonal and communication skills.
  • To grow as responsible citizens, making members aware of actual situations in different sectos, such as education, environmental issues and humanity.

Film Club
The film club is a forum for creative output and provides students the necessary platform for realizing their ideas. A main objective is to promote and encourage interest in Film as an educational and artistic form.

Film Club objectives:

  • To promote the education of FSU students in the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the art of film, and related techniques.
  • To encourage the sense of fellowship by building a student community willing to appreciate this art.
  • To promote within the club members and guests the taste for watching films with critical approach.
  • The above will provide the opportunity for gatherings with the purpose of exhibiting films in the lounge area, watching films in local movies with the further purpose of organizing discussions and participating in lectures.

Spanish Club
The purpose of the Spanish Club is to provide opportunities for FSU-Panama students to enrich their understanding and appreciation of the Spanish language and the people through social activities. In addition, The Spanish Club aims to foster contacts with local Spanish-speaking communities through the creation of service projects and field trips.

Debate Club
The debate club serves as the starting point to create critical thinking among the students. Students will learn to understand and communicate various forms of argument effectively and in a variety of contexts.

The Debate Club objective is::

  • To develop the ability to analyze controversies, select and evaluate evidence, construct and refute arguments.
  • To learn the process of communicating arguments with people.
  • To clarify personal and social values through confrontation.
  • To participate effectively in situations where decisions must be taken.
  • To meet and interact with students from other universities in the context of a social and intellectual activity.
  • To realize the simultaneous opportunities for leadership and group participation.