Discover Panama

As the crossroad of the world, Panama blends the modern with the traditional: Panama City has a developed urban environment with the commercial centers and the commodities of a larger city. At the same time, it is only a short journey away from primary tropical forests and beautiful beaches from both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. One of Latin America’s safest and most hospitable countries, Panama abounds with opportunities for international learning and research, especially those offered at Florida State University-Panama.

Panama City is a true international capital, offering a unique juxtaposition of history and modern living. With one of the world’s most active banking districts in the world just a few minutes away from 17th century colonial buildings Panama City is sure make a lasting impression.

Panama’s long history of dealing with the peoples of the world is directly translated to the friendly, outgoing nature of the country. This nature is reinforced through an active nightlife, great restaurants, and a myriad other attractions ranging from beautiful beaches, to lush tropical rainforests.